
Showing posts from December, 2023

The Angel of Death

  Existence is nothing but painful. Everything feels hopeless. The future looks bleak. Every morning, I wake up and keep on staring at this black spot on the wall. Is it even black ? I’m starting to question my visual ability to discern colours. Or the world must’ve gone colourless.   I sleep a lot these days. There’s not much to do around here anyway. Sleep is an astonishing ability to have. You lose all consciousness willingly while your subconscious works on. You know, man, human consciousness wasn’t supposed to develop. But it did, and that makes us harmful creatures to everyone and everything around us. Ancient monkeys weren’t supposed to develop a well-functioning brain such as our own. The Darwinian uncertainty principle has worked out really well for us. Life wasn’t supposed to develop as much as we have, from an evolutionary point of view. Under our own cosmological and physical circumstances or in other slightly or entirely different ones, sustaining life is hardly ever p